2012 has been incredible. I have loved spending time with Dulcie, getting to know her and watching her grow up, get stronger and become a happy little girl who makes me laugh every single day. Other than that, though, 2012 has been incredible in the worst of ways. Yes, you probably were made suspicious by that uncharacteristically positive-sounding opening statement, weren't you? I was hoping I would be able to fashion some sort of positive response to the year, one full of lies if needs be, but this morning has been so typically 2012 (never try to get out of jury duty over the festive period even if you do have multiple valid reasons that can't be argued with) that I can't bring myself to say that this year has been anything other than utter shit. Although I did enjoy the Olympics, naturally! Wouldn't it be great if I could look forward to leaving 2012 behind and live in hope that 2013 would be better? Well, I can't. I am dreading 2013 and what it has lined up for me. I already know 2013 is going to be even harder, even worse, even scarier and most probably with even more bad news.
So, resolutions... Well, with everything that is going on, it seems churlish to make my usual faffy resolutions about crafting etc. (but I will in a moment) so my official resolution for 2013 is going to be a biggie:
I resolve to do everything I can to stay alive for as long as possible.
My time as a primary teacher taught me that goals need to be manageable and measurable, so I am going to break this resolution down into three parts:
i) I will eat healthily;
ii) I will continue to stay as active as I can for as long as I can;
iii) I will do my best to find a way to think more positively about my health and my "future" (e.g. by not putting quotation marks around the word "future").
And that will be it for my official resolutions, but of course I do have some other little ideas bobbing around my noggin, so I will have in mind at all times to make stuff and, more specifically, to make stuff that I enjoy making. I'm also planning to keep blogging about whatever the heck I want (even if that is 99% baby) and to stop thinking about who might be reading so that I can be more honest/open about the bad stuff. I think possibly I need another outlet to let off some steam! Graham and I are also talking about making a wee list of things we'd like to do this year. So far the list extends to seeing a 3D film, so you can see we're keeping it low-key and baby-achievable.
You should know that nowadays I despise people who are happy and healthy, but I will wish you all a good 2013 anyway. Being on the list of people I hate won't do you any harm and may even be a positive thing to aim for. Good luck with that.