Another flying visit to share this lovely embroidery by Pip of Meet Me At Mikes. The image reminds me of this really lovely Scandinavian ceramic ware that I often lust after in antique shops. I think it is called Lotte...? I will remember for sure soon!
We are just about to head off for a day's charity shopping to celebrate our anniversary. What can I say? I am a cheap date! Last night we were meant to be going out for dinner and then to the cinema. We had booked a table but when we got to the restaurant there were no tables free for us! Pretty shoddy, huh? We couldn't get in anywhere else, so we ended up sharing pakora from the nearby takeaway and then didn't go to the cinema after all. We were asleep by 10pm instead! We are going to try to go to the cinema tonight instead, if we're not too tired from all the charity shopping.
I will be back with a proper blog post tomorrow. One with a photo I've taken myself and everything! Have a good weekend until then.
Useful & Cute Kitchen Gadgets
Shake things up in the kitchen with these quirky-cute and useful gadgets
including croc chop, duck tongs, bear mitts & unicorn cob holders.
The post Usef...
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