How was your Christmas? We had a great one, and white too!
Most of these pictures are actually from our trip to Elgin last weekend to visit my parents and it wasn't quite as snowy as this here in Glasgow but snow on Christmas day (no matter how shallow or trampled) is not to be sniffed at!

This house always has the most amazing Christmas lights, which you can see from my mum and dad's kitchen window. My dad always moans about how over the top it is but even he loves it secretly, I'm sure. It's just so festive!

I'm too scared to have a real snowball fight nowadays (when did I get to be such a wimp about the cold?) but Graham kindly threw one past me for the camera. I'm also terrified of slipping on the ice, which has not made getting to work in the mornings very easy. There is no way to avoid walking down a super steep hill when I leave my house. I have been clinging to lampposts and hedges, tiptoeing and generally looking like an idiot. I only fell over once (so far) this year. I nearly got run over in the process but sustained no worse than a skint hand and a bruised behind in the end!

These poor cows were looking very cold, standing about in the snow. No more to say about that but they are cute enough to merit two pictures, I think.

With the family Christmas thing done last weekend, Graham and I had a quiet just-the-two-of-us Christmas yesterday. It was great!

Here I am, festively modeling some of my pressies - bright pink socks with pom poms (yippee!) from my friend, Lorna, and the most fabulous print that Graham (the genius) found in a charity shop going for a song. Talking of songs, I got Graham a last minute glockenspiel which went down very well - phew! Shopping for your beloved on Christmas Eve is very stressful...
After eating a whole lot of food and drinking a whole lot of booze yesterday, we are having a quiet day (nursing our kidneys) today and have an evening of Trivial Pursuit and naff telly watching planned for tonight. Tomorrow the post Christmas clear up commences! My attempt to give people handmade gifts has left the house looking like it has been hit by a bomb but I am determined that I will have a tidy house for hogmanay. Besides, I have loads of crafty projects planned (some that I'm very excited about) so will need to clear a space to make them! I don't see the tidy house lasting much past January 2nd...