Saturday, November 27, 2010
news and weather

Friday, November 26, 2010
day out in dunkeld

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Trip-a-matic 2010

Trip-a-matic 1960?
Originally uploaded by What Makes The Pie Shops Tick?
Graham and I are just running out the door to catch a train for an exciting daytrip. It will involve stovies, beer, shops and meandering. And maybe a cathedral and a browse of some amateur art. Yes, we're off for a daytrip to Dunkeld! Whoop! I'm taking my camera, so will try to photograph anything exciting to share with you on my return... in a few hours. Any trip involving a train journey seems more exciting and I'm hoping the stovies will help cure my stinking cold. See you on the other side :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ra-ra-fiti? It's street, innit!

sandboys for sale!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
I can't make an omelette

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
karate... chop!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
baby favourites

Saturday, November 13, 2010
american tan

Friday, November 12, 2010
I wish I could draw gooder

Originally uploaded by gseiwiarchives
I've been trying to draw a tent since August and apparently I can't. Not a good tent anyway. However, every cloud has a silver lining and while trawling flickr for inspiration again tonight I came across this picture, which gave me a little smile. How cute?
I used to be a girl guide and go camping. I even wore a special camp dress - a sort of blue knee-length shirt/slip with a belt at the waist. Guide camp seems like such good fun when I look back on it. We would gather wood and start a fire and cook on it all weekend. I suppose that's quite a talent really, making macaroni cheese over an open flame! We had to make pot rests with sticks to stop the grass getting burnt, tying the straightest sticks we could find into triangles using square knots. I know quite a few proper knots thanks to my time in the guides, not least because of all the time we spent making macrame owls. At the end of the weekend, we would scrub the Daz off the bottom of the pans in a nearby river (I think the thick washing powder layer protected the pans from the flames?) pack up and then form a line to scour every inch of the field for litter. It was such a good feeling to get home, get clean and sleep in your own warm bed after a weekend in a cold, wet field.
Talking of clean beds, I'd better go and make mine. I woke up this morning to find Poppy had been sick on top of me in the middle of the night. Not a fun discovery at 6.30 am. Euch! Plus my morning schedule is so tight (eking out every possible minute in bed) that stripping the sheets meant I didn't have time to have breakfast. Noooooooo! Goodness me, I'm tired this week. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get called in to work tomorrow. I would love to have the day off. Maybe I could even get that tent drawn at long last!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Dear Santa...

Fabulous house-shaped cushion by fabulous Donna Wilson.
we're gonna make you a sta-a-a-ar!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
pretty (and tasty) flamingo

Just to continue the Saturday greatness, I have a fun evening planned for myself. I'm home alone (well, with the cats) as Graham has gone back to work. I am going to spend the evening eating takeaway pizza, drinking red wine, watching the X Factor and making pom poms by the bucketload. Hooray! It might not be everybody's idea of a perfect Saturday night, but it is just right for me :)
super(mercado) saturday

The Barras: Supermercado & MITS HQ Grand Opening
Originally uploaded by We Are Made In The Shade
Bet you thought I might actually do some blogging in my week off. Ha! You fools! Only kidding - I thought I'd be blogging too. Best laid plans etc... I am having a good week and I am being productive, just not exactly in the ways I'd planned. My to-do list for the week is sadly lacking ticks and I've done so many things that aren't on it. Just by coincidence, it turned out that Graham had a lot of days off this week too, so we've been doing stuff together, like going to the supermarket and making soup (and wishing we had a bigger freezer) and charity shopping and choosing our new bathroom... Yes, by December 5th we will have a working shower/bath and will be able to feel clean for the first time in over 3 months! Hooray!
Today Graham is at work so I am master of my own time and I'm planning to head along to the grand opening of Supermercado at the Barras, the newest venture from the Made In The Shade ladies. It's been up and running for just over a month, but this is the first chance I've had to go, so it's lucky it's the official grand opening today. It sounds like they have lots of fun stuff happening. I'm also hoping to buy a couple of Christmas presents. I am so organised this year that I've made it my mission to have all presents bought/made by the end of November! How I will laugh at the rest of the world in December as they all rush about and panic while I sip my gin/rum/whisky/tia maria/wine/booze in general and watch Scrooged and It's A Wonderful Life in front of the fire. Mwahahahaha! Goodness, I really have a touch of the evil about me today.
Talking of Made In The Shade/Christmas, I was supposed to have a stall at their Festive Shindig in Edinburgh at the end of the month. It was going to be my only Christmas market outing, but we found out on Monday that the event has been cancelled because the venue (the Roxy) has gone bust and closed down. This is bad news for me as I now have no Christmas markets lined up at all and it is very bad news for the poor Made In The Shade girls who had already paid for press and marketing materials. It's doubly rubbish since the same thing happened with the Lighthouse for last year's Christmas Made In The Shade extravaganza. I'm at a bit of a loss as I was halfway through making oodles of wintery goodies and now have no place to sell them. Boo! I guess I'll just have to update my shop (long overdue anyway) and see what happens. Or do a couple of Saturdays at Supermercado maybe? Either way, I predict being left with a lot of pom poms on my hands... Ah, how could that be a bad thing really? :)
Anyway, I'd better get going if I want to beat the crowds at the Barras. If I can overcome my embarrassment, I'll try to take some photos and blog about it later for those of you not lucky enough to be in Glasgow today. If you are in Glasgow, you can go and see for yourself.