Man, it is hard to sound cheerful when it's just taken you 40 minutes to upload your photos to Blogger! Is anyone else suddenly having their photos randomly rotated? Grrr. Anyway, I've just listed these new Sandboys gocco printed notecard sets in my shop. Yes, they are new notecard sets even if you and I both know I printed them months ago ;)

I'm going to add more Sandboys goodies (and hopefully some other stuff) soon, but this is your lot for now. It's a set of four single-fold notecards with envelopes, blank inside and ready for you to write whatever takes your fancy. On the back of the label there is a wee explanation of who the Sandboys are.

The other planned Sandboys products include prints, single notecards and hopefully notebooks, which I am off to attempt now (or maybe once I have put some finishing touches to the craft room). If you feel you may be in urgent need of one of these products and simply can't wait for me to get my fat behind in gear and list them (who knows when that may be, after all) then just get in touch and I can let you know more details/prices and do a custom listing for you.
In general shop-related news, it is with kind of a heavy heart (but not really) that I have decided to close my shopify shop. My year's free trial is over and it hasn't really worked out for me sales-wise. I feel I could have made more of an effort with it, but I think one shop is enough for me and (given I can go for months without a sale) I'd rather keep it simple and pay a small amount for each listing rather than a larger amount for the shop each month. Don't let my failure put you off though. Shopify does have some great features and I was really happy with how my shop looked/functioned, but I really didn't like using their blogging software (it seemed pretty faffy and time-consuming compared to how I blog here, or how I used to blog here before they started randomly rotating images!) and I think you would really need to be a constantly-updating presence on Shopify to keep people visiting. I also think you would need to be a bit more pro-active in your social networking, something I am not in the least, what with not having either a Twitter or a Facebook account. I'm keeping the shop open until just a few days before Christmas, so if you want one last wander around its jam-packed virtual aisles, you have a month left to do so. My etsy shop will remain open for business as usual, of course. Damn my box full of business cards with my shopify on them! Back to the drawing board...
p.s. I think I forgot to mention that I am now offering free shipping within the UK in my etsy shop. It hasn't made anyone buy anything yet, but it still has the added bonus of me not having to work out shipping costs and convert it to dollars and... I think I might be too lazy to be a shopkeeper!
p.p.s. Would it be wrong of me to have cake for lunch and then go out for dinner later? It's just that I think I'm going to :)
They're ace! I get paid on Thursday and intend to make them mine! And you read my mind on the cake thing - if you didn't eat it, you totally should have done! x
ReplyDeleteThanks, Emily :) Yes, I did have cake and it was dee-ee-ee-licious. They didn't have the hazelnut and espresso cake I went in for, so I ended up having parsnip, pecan and orange. Sounds weird, but tasted amazing! I saved half my (admittedly rather large) slice for Graham, but only because it is our anniversary.
ReplyDeleteAw congrats to you both, an what vetter way to celebrate than with cake ;-) Plus, parsnips aand oranges = compltetely healthy, making you cake one of your five a day. Does life get any better? I can't think how... x