I'm getting the feeling I might be the only one who's interested in quilling around here, but I shall carry on regardless and present you with the teatime quilling update. I think I still like it, but I'm foreseeing problems now. 1) How do I finish it? Quill tightly right up to the edges and leave no white space or try to be arty and leave loose curly bits? I think the second option would look better, but might be beyond my artistic inabilities. 2) I'm not managing to get decent photos of it (though admittedly it is practically dark today) and if I can't get a photo of it, I can't turn it into postcards. Waaah! I'll plough on. I'm really enjoying curling the paper and fitting it into little pockets of space so it's been a good day's occupational therapy even if we don't get anything out of it at the end. And we may still have an end product! I haven't written it off just yet!
It hasn't really taken me all day to do this. After lunch I went and pursued my latest hobby - afternoon napping. I've had a pretty decent nap every afternoon this week, I think. It started off when I had the cold and so had an excuse. Now I'm all better, but I just can't give up the napping. I don't know how I'll cope when I have to go back to the life of ten hour shifts in a few days' time. Now that I'm up and about again post-nap, I'm wearing clothes (obviously) with my slippers and my dressing gown (with hood up) and have a hot water bottle shoved up my top. I'm so cosy! I can't believe it's only taken a fortnight off work for me to get to this stage...