I thought I'd give one of Pip's Taking Stock lists a go today. Here it is!
Making : Final tweaks to an exciting new gocco design and secret crocheted baby goods
Cooking : My mum's rice salad and hard-boiled eggs
Drinking : Fizzy things
Reading: The Luminaries and my own blog
Wanting: A spare day to do my gocco printing
Looking: Pale and in need of a shower
Playing: Matching pairs with Dulcie (not yet actually, but it's guaranteed to happen soon)
Deciding: What to wear to a wedding (so I don't have to decide anything more important)
Wishing: For the sort of happiness it seems like everyone else is getting
Enjoying: Dulcie's company - big time!
Waiting: In queues - a rare day in the city centre shops today
Liking: That some of our plants are growing, albeit slowly
Wondering: How to make things better for us
Loving: Dulcie - big time!
Pondering: My health
Considering: Phoning my consultant
Watching: Boj (repeatedly) and Mad Men - gone back to series one
Hoping: I can hold it together
Marvelling: At Dulcie's brain and speech
Needing: A new heart? £30,000 and someone to give half of that to. A bit of bravery.
Smelling: Cats (have two on my knee as I type)
Wearing: Yesterday's clothes (but clean pants and socks)
Following: The routes of public transport
Noticing: Pregnant people everywhere
Knowing: That this list is turning out more depressing than I'd hoped
Thinking: *#@*$*#*!!!
Feeling: Ill and unhappy
Admiring: Don Draper - phwoargh!
Sorting: Wedding outfits for Dulcie and I
Buying: Cardigans and children's underwear - planning to ditch nappies soon!
Getting: Hungrier
Bookmarking: Very near the beginning of The Luminaries
Disliking: My situation
Opening: The windows!
Giggling: Not much today
Feeling: De ja vu (didn't I already answer this?)
Snacking: Healthily
Coveting: Babies
Wishing: I had a less depressing answer for this. Oh, wait! Wishing Mad Men hadn't moved to Sky so we wouldn't have to wait for the DVDs to catch up.
Helping: Dulcie on and off escalators
Hearing: An unknown baby crying outside, Dulcie's drum machine
Cooking : My mum's rice salad and hard-boiled eggs
Drinking : Fizzy things
Reading: The Luminaries and my own blog
Wanting: A spare day to do my gocco printing
Looking: Pale and in need of a shower
Playing: Matching pairs with Dulcie (not yet actually, but it's guaranteed to happen soon)
Deciding: What to wear to a wedding (so I don't have to decide anything more important)
Wishing: For the sort of happiness it seems like everyone else is getting
Enjoying: Dulcie's company - big time!
Waiting: In queues - a rare day in the city centre shops today
Liking: That some of our plants are growing, albeit slowly
Wondering: How to make things better for us
Loving: Dulcie - big time!
Pondering: My health
Considering: Phoning my consultant
Watching: Boj (repeatedly) and Mad Men - gone back to series one
Hoping: I can hold it together
Marvelling: At Dulcie's brain and speech
Needing: A new heart? £30,000 and someone to give half of that to. A bit of bravery.
Smelling: Cats (have two on my knee as I type)
Wearing: Yesterday's clothes (but clean pants and socks)
Following: The routes of public transport
Noticing: Pregnant people everywhere
Knowing: That this list is turning out more depressing than I'd hoped
Thinking: *#@*$*#*!!!
Feeling: Ill and unhappy
Admiring: Don Draper - phwoargh!
Sorting: Wedding outfits for Dulcie and I
Buying: Cardigans and children's underwear - planning to ditch nappies soon!
Getting: Hungrier
Bookmarking: Very near the beginning of The Luminaries
Disliking: My situation
Opening: The windows!
Giggling: Not much today
Feeling: De ja vu (didn't I already answer this?)
Snacking: Healthily
Coveting: Babies
Wishing: I had a less depressing answer for this. Oh, wait! Wishing Mad Men hadn't moved to Sky so we wouldn't have to wait for the DVDs to catch up.
Helping: Dulcie on and off escalators
Hearing: An unknown baby crying outside, Dulcie's drum machine
These are a good thing to do now and then. Honest!
ReplyDeleteYes, I will do it again, but not on a day I feel like I'm about to die, perhaps!