I just came across this crazy cute talent via Penguin and Fish. Diablo is the slightly sinister character peeking through the bathroom window. In one of the other pictures you can see he is holding a tiny gun. You really must visit the otherworldly home of these amigurami characters at TADA's Revolution. So much fun!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
everybody's talking 'bout those little boots

Friday, January 30, 2009
Nice and spooky
These cups are the fun thing I wanted to share last week. At new year I found a little jug and sugar bowl in this design in a charity shop. I bought them for Graham and he loved them so much he decided we should try to collect a set and started browsing the net for matching items. I could see thirty years or so of ebay browsing stretching out in front of us... but few weeks later I was nosing around flickr thinking how terrible it was that I hadn't got any ideas of what to get Graham for his birthday when I came across this photo and it was in Claire's photostream! Claire! The same Claire who was my best friend's teenage penpal and who now sells some of my goodies on my behalf! She had found these beauties in a charity shop and was planning to sell them in sets of two. I nearly shrieked for Graham to come and look, when my calculating little mind started ticking over and I sent a high speed secret email to Claire instead, asking her to please sell all six cups to me for a fair price. However, it turns out Claire doesn't do fair prices... and she gave them to me instead! We finally settled on a trade off of a mermaid embroidery. How lovely was that? Well, I don't have time to make a mermaid embroidery right now so I prepared a little gift package as a surprise deposit of sorts and went to meet Claire for the exchange when Graham was out at work. It was most espionage like and I felt like I was going to see a man about a dog!
This is what I gave Claire in the meantime.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Golly gocco gosh!
Oh my! After a week or so of shaky finger loitering on ebay (bidding high and breathing sighs of relief when I got outbid) I have just bought myself a gocco! Eep! I am so very very surprised and excited... but a little concerned at the life of bulb and screen searching that I see stretching out in front of me! I wonder how long it will take my new love to travel from Japan...?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Let's think about the living!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
something silly that made me snigger

Sunday, January 18, 2009
haunted houses and pro printers

Saturday, January 17, 2009
and another thing

Daytime telly

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Kitty goodness by Penguin and Fish

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009
breaking blogger's block