Friday, December 31, 2010
fare thee well 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010
blast from the blog of christmas past
On 16 December 2008 I said...
I think the festive gumdrop wreath is becoming a Christmas tradition in our house. Fun fun fun and very sweet, in more ways than one! I came across this idea on the internet a few years ago (I think from this lady?) but I can't remember where for sure, so here's my own little how to:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Green Lady
This is how green my face is today, but sadly the similarity stops there. I have food poisoning and have been up all night being sick :( I had to take the day off work, which looks v suspicious given it is a few days before Christmas. I can't wait to feel better but I am too scared to eat or drink anything for fear the throwing up starts again. I wish I had some fresh orange juice to sip, but I am too wobbly to go out and get any. Send help! (No, don't really. I am in no fit state to be seen by visitors. Ugh...)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I wonder if they get eastenders in china
Earlier this year, Made In The Shade were visited by Jas Tang who was researching an article about Made In The Shade for Chinese indie style mag, Little Thing. I met her briefly at the Springtime Jamboree where I had a stall. She was really lovely and seemed super excited about all the handmade goodies everyone had on offer and said she thought my illustration of Ethel and Willie was funny. She recently sent a copy of the magazine with her 6-page spread about Made In The Shade to the MITS girls and look what has sneaky-peeked in at the bottom of one of the pages... It's my EastEnders notecards! In a super-cool magazine! In China! Yay! You can see the other (equally lovely) pages of the article over at Made In The Shade's flickr, worth a look even just to get a smidgeon of an idea of how lovely the Made In The Shade Maisonette is. I was in there today delivering some goodies and doing some last minute Christmas shopping and just oohed and aahed at absolutely everything. It's so nice to be able to see some of my goodies in amongst such lovely stuff :)
i love lisa
I didn't go out tonight, but I've accidentally sat up sewing until 2am, so don't say I'm not rock and roll! Though I am now looking forward to filling up my hot water bottles (yes, bottles, plural) putting on some much needed hand cream (ouch) and getting into bed with the cats... It's too dark to take a photo of what I've been sewing, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share someone I've been admiring on etsy lately. This super gorgeous print is by Lisa Stubbs and is just one of so many lovely, lovely items. May I particularly draw your attention to this completely adorable Christmas postcard. Eep! Dear Santa, I want to be as good as Lisa at drawing and printing and sewing!
I have been brewing some top arty/crafty plans for 2011, setting some little challenges for myself, and I'm feeling pretty excited about it. I think 2011 will be a great year of craft for me. I'm hoping to be learning a whole load of new skillz as well as revisiting and honing some old (and often long-neglected) skillz. And, of course, I'll be sure to blog about the whole shebang. More details to follow, but for now, to bed.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
get your coat, love... it's cold

Nothing else to report. I just watched Kindergarten Cop (accidentally on purpose) while writing my Christmas cards. My Christmas card list gets shorter every year, but I'm sure I must have forgotten some people this year - I only had to use one book of stamps. This is what happens when you never go out. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
it's beginning to look a bit like christmas

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
shop keeping

getting festive...ish
The anger is fading, the tree is up, the gumdrop wreath is made, and just to ensure the last of the bah humbugs are well and truly gone, here's a super-cute festive song. Are you feeling it yet?
Friday, December 10, 2010
letting it go...
I have the anger. I've had it for a while. Yesterday it got worse and today it got worse again. I am trying to let it go, but it is not working out so well. It has not been helped by coming home to find poor Graham wrestling with yet another leak despite the bathroom allegedly being finished. It has not been helped by catching a new cough/cold before the old cough/cold has even gone properly. It has not been helped by certain of our neighbours or certain of my workmates being rude/mean/annoying. It has not been helped by the news that we are no longer kitten-sitting next week :( It has, however, been helped by my mum sending a surprise no-particular-reason package containing hot chocolate and sweet napkins. Which had been opened. Grrrrraaaaarrr! Letting it go, letting it go...
Don't mind me, it's probably just me bleedin' hormones, guv'nor. I'll take a few deep breaths and focus on the fact there's a cat on my lap (who is very happy not to be kitten-sitting) and a man in my kitchen cooking me dinner. Breathe in, breathe out. Hey, this positive thinking might actually be working!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
top telly tonight

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I'm telling you, it's too cold for camping

bunny hops

Monday, December 6, 2010
I'm not on the pan
Saturday, November 27, 2010
news and weather

Friday, November 26, 2010
day out in dunkeld

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Trip-a-matic 2010

Trip-a-matic 1960?
Originally uploaded by What Makes The Pie Shops Tick?
Graham and I are just running out the door to catch a train for an exciting daytrip. It will involve stovies, beer, shops and meandering. And maybe a cathedral and a browse of some amateur art. Yes, we're off for a daytrip to Dunkeld! Whoop! I'm taking my camera, so will try to photograph anything exciting to share with you on my return... in a few hours. Any trip involving a train journey seems more exciting and I'm hoping the stovies will help cure my stinking cold. See you on the other side :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ra-ra-fiti? It's street, innit!