I have the anger. I've had it for a while. Yesterday it got worse and today it got worse again. I am trying to let it go, but it is not working out so well. It has not been helped by coming home to find poor Graham wrestling with yet another leak despite the bathroom allegedly being finished. It has not been helped by catching a new cough/cold before the old cough/cold has even gone properly. It has not been helped by certain of our neighbours or certain of my workmates being rude/mean/annoying. It has not been helped by the news that we are no longer kitten-sitting next week :( It has, however, been helped by my mum sending a surprise no-particular-reason package containing hot chocolate and sweet napkins. Which had been opened. Grrrrraaaaarrr! Letting it go, letting it go...
Don't mind me, it's probably just me bleedin' hormones, guv'nor. I'll take a few deep breaths and focus on the fact there's a cat on my lap (who is very happy not to be kitten-sitting) and a man in my kitchen cooking me dinner. Breathe in, breathe out. Hey, this positive thinking might actually be working!
Kawaii Birthday Plush
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The post Kawai...
Breathe - and in and........ out! In.......and out!
ReplyDeleteAh, you make it sound so easy. I'll try... ;)
ReplyDeleteBoo to all that! But boo most of all to mean workmates! I hope it wasn't me... I hope your weekend is one of not subtitling and you recover from the rage! x
ReplyDeleteI think its this weather making everything so difficult! I've had unbelievable range this week! :)
ReplyDeleteClaire, you did not give me rage. No need to be scared ;) And sadly, yes, it is a lo-o-o-o-ong weekend down the subtitling mine for me. Boo!
ReplyDeleteI agree this weather does not help. I had a very painful icy fall a few days ago and hurt my hand, heel, bottom, coxy..tailbone and innards all at once. Oh yeah, and my pride! Hopefully the thaw continues a while longer though - for my mood and the pavements!
stay strong!!!
ReplyDeleteYar boo sucks to it all I say! Hope you're feeling better now, leaky bathroom or not ;-) xx
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, people, the calm is definitely descending. Would you believe I am even feeling a little festive today? Woo hoo!