So much to blog about, but so little time as we're off out for a birthday dinner with this lady. Hooray! Happy birthday, Bernadette! I will be back with a more substantial post soon. I've been very (well, quite) productive and got a great parcel in the post today, so have lots to share.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
lavender induced madness

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
interesting fact of the day
A man's beard will grow a nanometre in the time it takes him to put down his razor after shaving.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
all work and no play...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
ladies' night at the pool
I would have been swimming this evening, but it's ladies only on a Wednesday. No, don't freak out! I'm not doing a reverse Tyke Tiler on you... You're absolutely right - I AM a lady. Sadly, my swimming companion (who was to bring my swimming suit and towel with him) is not, so instead of swimming I am sewing. This swimming story is a non-starter really, but it seemed like a good excuse to share this great sign. This is not the pool I go to, but I do think my pool should get a sign like this. They could switch the lady on when it was ladies only, then everyone would know where they stood.
It was actually a little bit naughty of me to use a flickr photo to blog tonight (and to blog when I have nothing much to say!) because my own computer is alive again. Hooray! I got a new cable for it yesterday and it feels like such a luxury to know my computer won't die at a moment's notice when I'm in the middle of doing something. Also, it means I should be able to move my computer around the house again. I'm hoping this will make me a better blogger, but we shall see!
It's probably just as well the pool didn't happen tonight really. I am starting to freak out about how much sewing I have to do. Cripes! All my non-working time seems to be getting sucked up by people to see, places to go, things to do... Before I know it, a barrage of handmade-gift-requiring birthdays and exciting events will be upon me. I'm hoping the birthdays aren't ruined (lump of coal anyone?) and that my stalls will not be empty or...a bit rubbish? The horror! I'll get there in the end, it's just that I have so many things I want to make and I know some of them will have to be put aside for some other time.
Oh, I forgot to tell you the tragic news! It turns out I am allergic to embroidering! Don't worry - I am willing to sacrifice my fingers and thumbs to keep giving the world the gift of my stitching :) Talking of which, I'm going to get back to the sewing now. I want to get a bit more done before I settle down to watch Mad Men. Oh, Mad Men, how I love you. I also have Pointless taped from this afternoon and Masterchef is on at the moment, so great telly all round. Yes, Pointless is back - whoop! That is kind of exciting, but can someone tell me why they have changed the format and dumbed it down? I much preferred series one's high-brow format! Ha! OK, sewing. Cheerio!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
oh what a tangled web we weave...

Originally uploaded by *biggie
Hello hello. My computer is dead. Well, more in a coma really. My cable has finally given up the ghost after about a year of painstakingly miniscule adjustments, securing it with sellotape and matchstick splints and not being able to move my laptop for fear the cable wouldn't like it. No cable = no electricity = no computer. Waa! This is not good for me old blog, guv'nor, as it also means I can't access or upload any of my photos and what have you. Sigh... Anyone know how to get a replacement charger cable for a mac? I googled it before but had no real luck. I wish our local mac shop was still open to help me :(
Anyway, as I can't get into my computer, I am reduced to relying even more heavily than usual on other people's pictures on old faithful a.k.a. flickr. As I can't really share any of the crafting I've been doing this weekend (not that it was that exciting - embroidering a Frank and making Big Daddy lavender bags that I refuse to give up on even though no one seems to love them like I do) I thought I would share the other thing I've done, which was watching Mastercrafts. I got Graham to tape it for me while I was at work on Fiday night and sat down to watch it yesterday afternoon. It was the episode about weaving (hence this picture) and it was amazing. I've got a wee toy weaving loom that I love playing about on, but the proper looms were crazy technical. One poor girl couldn't even set the loom up by the end of the six weeks and, to be honest, I'm not surprised. The fabric the three people made was absolutely beautiful and it looked like the most satisfying thing in the world to do. Given the time it took, I think you'd have to give up all other crafts (and life in general!) to pursue weaving, so maybe it wouldn't be ideal for a jack of all trades like me... but I wanna be a weaver! The programme will still be available on iplayer and I really would recommend watching it. I haven't played with my weaving loom (I don't even feel I can call it that after seeing what a real loom looks like) for years, but I will definitely be dusting it off soon.
My ever so witty title for this blog post makes me chuckle whenever I hear reference to it. A couple of years ago, we were in Islay with my whole family for a wedding. My eldest niece, Kim, was only just talking really, but she would always sing as she was falling asleep. One night as she was dropping off, she sang (to a jaunty little tune) "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!" I thought maybe she was possessed by the spirit of Sir Walter Scott (well, it was a bit strange, you know!) but actually it turned out to be the moral song at the end of an episode of My Little Pony!
Friday, March 12, 2010
ooh la la la mer
Thursday, March 11, 2010
back from the big smoke

Sunday, March 7, 2010
pigeonfinger - like goldfinger, only more pigeony
Saturday, March 6, 2010
It's official
At long last (two months, nearly, after the event) I finally got to see my wee feature in The Scotsman, or a scan of it at least. I am officially a "genius." Well, it's official if you look closely and don't blink! Of course, I already knew that myself, but it's nice to have it acknowledged in print for the rest of the world who might not have realised yet. Whoop whoop!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
in memoriam

2010, year of the milestone birthday