Friday, January 28, 2011
involuntary celebrity endorsement

I can't see clearly now

Sunday, January 23, 2011
in a crafter's pickle
I'm still in my pyjamas! I've been cleaning all day though, so I don't feel bad. It's amazing how much housework you can do and yet still feel like you've had a lazy day just because you never bothered to get dressed. Will have to do this more often!
That is all besides the point though. The point is that I am in a crafter's pickle and I need some advice... or maybe just reassurance. I'm not very good at these sort of delicate diplomatic situations (that I'm sure come easily enough to some people) and I'm getting a bit stressed out and pickle-like. Help!
What is your opinion about sharing your hard-earned crafty knowledge with anybody who asks for it? I am really in two minds about this. I think it is great to share and I know I have learned how to do so many things thanks to generous people on the old internet, but is it also all right to keep some things secret? A very nice customer of mine bought a pinwheel brooch kit a while back and now wants to make more. My pinwheel brooch kits come with instructions and everything you need to make one (and only one) very lovely brooch, hence why I only charge £4 for them. I think that is a good price for a fun project, in cute packaging with a nice brooch to keep at the end of it. The reason the kits only allow you to make one brooch is that I don't divulge how I make the felt and fabric squares that I put in the kits. This piece of information is what my customer really wants to know, so that she can make as many pinwheel brooches as her heart desires. Hmmm... On one hand, who am I to refuse to share that information and will it really harm my "business" if someone on another continent makes some pinwheel brooches using my methods? It's not even like I make a living from crafting (let alone just from pinwheel brooches) in the first place, although the kits are my best seller of all time. On the other hand, I feel like that information is my business/intellectual property. I spent a lot of time (and money when you factor in failed attempts etc) experimenting with different methods of attaching the felt and the fabric. What I came up with in the end isn't staggeringly unique or original or unexpected, but I did still have to work hard to get there and that is why I can make and sell pinwheel brooch kits and some other people can't - because I have chosen to set aside time to do that and they haven't.
I think it's really nice that someone liked my kits so much that they want to make more brooches, but in my heart of hearts I do not want to give away this particular piece of crafty information. I once told a lady at a market how I made my miniature bunting and I still wake up in a cold sweat at the thought of how I just gave that part of my crafty self away like that. Is it really mean of me to think like that or is it just good business sense? Is it OK to say no and if so how do you say no? I am no good at these sorts of dilemmas :( Help!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
artist's impression...

tick tock

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
this post is not for the squeamish
I survived 127 Hours last night and would go so far as to say I enjoyed it. It is definitely worth seeing and by the time you get to the arm cutting, you can sort of handle it because you genuinely know it is the only option. It's like you've gone through the whole process yourself (mentally) but without ACTUALLY going throught it (physically). Obviously. I didn't look away at all, although I did squeak quite a lot and had my hands near my eyes ready to cover them at a split second's notice. Looking around the cinema, most other people were the same. One poor woman lost it and shrieked at a totally innocuous little slip on a patch of gravel towards the end. It was the least tense/scary moment of the whole film, but I think her nerves were shot by that point. Her wimpery was laughed at by all the other cinema-goers. The wimp! Ha! Graham and I also had to laugh when the trapped man compared his bag of piss to a bottle of sauvignon blanc. Guess what we had smuggled in to drink from plastic cups...?
Having faced my fears and made it to the end of 127 Hours, I actually had a harder time coping with my book on the way to work this morning. It was another example of self-inflicted amputation, this time a middle-aged/elderly man removing a patch of eczema by cutting off a lump of flesh with a pair of scissors. I'm not sure if it was as bad as it seemed or if it was because I was reading it, not seeing it or if it was just way too early in the morning, but I had a near passing out experience on the underground. Still feeling a little woozy now... That could have been very embarrassing!
None of this, of course, has anything to do with the picture above, but it has been making me chuckle for the last few days. What a great slogan :)
Monday, January 17, 2011
wave a magic wanda
Three posts in one day... Sick of me yet? Just to continue the go-sister vibe I've been rocking/blogging today, would you just look at this footage of Wanda Jackson from 1958?! What a woman! I've been listening to a lot of Wanda Jackson on Spotify of late. She is great music to get stuff done to. Half an hour ago I was even sawing through pipes as a result of listening to some Wanda Jackson tunes. Go me and my saw!
Talking of sawing, Graham has just asked me if I want to go and see 127 Hours tonight. Much as I have been boasting about how tough and awesome girls are today, I am a bit anxious that I won't be able to handle this film. I have a phobia of caves (which I'm fairly sure includes crevices and being wedged under boulders too) and am not keen on self-inflicted amputation either. Is anybody? Oh well, perhaps if I listen to enough Wanda Jackson between now and this evening I'll be able to keep my eyes open for
the bare bones of my recent film viewing
Last night we watched The Monster Club starring Vincent Price. It was frankly bizarre. We love 1970s horror portmanteaus, but this was made in 1980 and just missed the mark of '70s horror je ne sais quois... That said, we still really enjoyed it, cheesy and bizarre though it was. Between each of the stories (which were more funny than scary) there was a performance by a band in The Monster Club (as the name suggests, a club for monsters). Above is a snippet of the totally bonkers striptease scene. Below is the video for the whole crazy rock song including the stripping scene. Take your pick :)
Goodness, I have watched a strange selection of films lately. Over to the left and down a bit you can see a list of the last ten films I've seen with links to the info about them on imdb. At the moment, it's not exactly a recommended list as half of it is made up of the films I watched on TV when I spent the day stuck on the sofa with food poisoning. You can probably tell which films they are - Baby's Day Out was a particular low point, but Big Foot And The Hendersons and Gremlins were just what the doctor ordered. One film I would recommend (if you want to feel like a kick-ass sistah who can do it for herself) is Death Proof. Despite the fact that the first two thirds of the film are pretty much plotless and it is a film about car crashes (which I don't generally like to think about or see) I absolutely loved it and really want to watch it again just for the pay-off at the end. Watch Death Proof and then listen to Night singing the stripper song and then go and sock it to 'em! In your face (and your balls) world! Tee hee! I'm feeling grumpy today, but this rock and roll rant is channeling the rage most effectively...
sisters are sewing it for themselves

There is a lot of lovely embroidery popping up on flickr these days. Here are four nice examples of ladies in stitch. Makes me want to get my needles and threads out.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
furniture restoration

Saturday, January 15, 2011
come on let's go
Just heard this afternoon that Trish Keenan died. Broadcast are such a great band (Come On Let's Go would definitely be in my top ten songs of all time) not least because of Trish's beautiful voice. Very sad news.
Friday, January 14, 2011
becoming a mermaid/prune

small but (im)perfectly formed
Originally uploaded by dropstitch
I have been swimming laps from here to the moon (a little nod to The Secret Of My Success there - I love that film!) this week. I'm really enjoying being in the pool and my muscles have a lovely ache going on. Mmm! I just wish swimming didn't take up so much time - 45 minutes in the pool plus 45 minutes to walk to the pool and back plus time to get changed, showered, dried and changed again equals goodbye half the day. And that's if I manage to resist stopping off in charity shops en route. Still, there are worse ways to spend my week off, I suppose, although they might make for more exciting blogging...
Since I'm failing to do any crafting this year (by which I really mean this fortnight) here's a water-related embroidery I made almost three years ago when my hands were young and lovely like a Fairy advert. Three years?! Where have they gone? Down the bleedin' plughole, guv'nor! That's where!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
house of frasers

Wednesday, January 5, 2011