Looking for a last minute gift? (I was!) Why not make one of these sweet birdies? The pattern is available here for free. I downloaded the pattern many moons ago but hadn't had the opportunity or motive to try making it. It turns out these birds are the quickest and easiest things in the world to make and turn out looking lovely. I made these two for Graham's nieces. These birds are the same and yet different - my sibling present rule for this festive season!

I weighted the bottoms of these birds with lentils and put in some lavender so they smell yummy. I didn't think I liked the smell of lavender but it turns out I do, and I don't think it smells of old ladies at all! By the way, if you know me and are planning to have a birthday at any point in 2009 then you will probably own one of these birds before the year is out...

Yesterday I got lots of great mail, including a package from my sister. Among other things, she sent me these decorations that she made with my niece and nephew. Kim (3) and Angus (1) drew the pictures on fabric and then Kerry sewed on a backing, attached a hanging ribbon and stuffed them. Kim's decoration is the larger of the two and apparently shows a map of how to get to her school. How cute!? If you have children, these would also make a very nice last minute gift, I'm sure.
In last minute shopping (rather than making) news, I did Graham a favour by getting up early and going to the cheesemonger's on his behalf while he was at work. A couple of years ago, we foolishly went in the afternoon and queued out the door and down the street for over two hours before getting served (what can I say? Their cheese is good!) so the plan today was that I would go down for opening time at 8.30am. I actually got there a couple of minutes early but still had to queue for half an hour. By the time I left the queue was already getting mega long and people in it were getting parking tickets and all sorts.
So the moral of the story is this: if you were planning on giving someone a cheeseboard, you have missed the boat and should consider making them a bird instead!
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