I've been wanting to blog about lots of little things lately (food, family, festive goodies etc.) but just haven't been finding the time. Here, however, are a few of the sights I have seen that I would have liked to share with you all.

Above is Stair Street. This is one of my favourite little nooks of Glasgow. There is nothing on Stair Street but stairs. I think it's so great that such a seemingly insignificant street (with no doors so presumably no residents) was given such a sweetly grand name instead of just being left as another anonymous flight of stairs.

We spotted this strange looking monkey thing-a-me-jig by the bins in a school playground on the way home from our weekly supermarket trip.

I've been enjoying the frosty weather and how glittery everything has been. Graham has been getting annoyed at all the cliched winter photos I've been snapping (hey, it's my first full winter with a digital camera!) but I did like this shot of the best footprint on my doorstep. I wonder which of my neighbours it belongs to.

Yesterday we went into town for another free trip to the Lighthouse and lunch at AdLib. Yum. Made In The Shade was on (I got a gorgeous handcrafted item but I can't share it as it's a Christmas present and it might blow a lovely surprise) and I saw my brooches and my new mini Dot and Pat embroideries in situ on the Miso Funky stall. That was a fun and exciting surprise for me! I didn't take a photo of that but I did take a photo of this sweet little bird box that we saw en route.
One of my favourite things about living in this country are the silly street names. In my hometown, York, we have a street called Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate which is apparently the shortest street with the longest name in Britain. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteWhip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate? That's so brilliant! Where on earth did the fabled street namer find the inspiration for a name like that, I wonder...? Naming streets must be so much fun. People should really make more of the opportunity.