I can't believe it is nearly four o'clock already and I feel like I just got up. I spent all morning messing about on the living room floor with bits of paper and various punches, leaving a big old mess behind me. I made some horse gift tags which I'm liking. Sadly, after the first few, my horse punch broke. I've had it for a few months but was only just starting to come up with good ideas with it and am quite sad.

Not wanting to give up my new found horsey vibe (I am NOT a horse person at all and in fact have a bit of an aversion towards them) I ended up cutting their front legs with scissors. This was no mean feat (feet - ha ha!) as their tiny legs are only about a millimetre thick!

Here is the least blurry shot I managed to take of all the colour combos together. I'd like to mess about more this evening but fear I must do some work work instead of play work. Boo.
In other crafty news, I've packaged up all my prints for the gocco swap and will be posting them tomorrow (I'm loving the post office being open on Sunday!) so will be able to share my print here soon without ruining any surprises.
Talking of crafty horses, have you seen that Ann Wood is giving away the pattern for her lovely cardboard horses? That would be a fun project to keep you on your creative toes. I have images of me getting up at 6am throughout the holidays to make one of these horses as a warm up, before getting on with a million and one of my own craft projects each and every day, wearing a dress that I made myself of course! So not going to happen... :)
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