I made it along to the art school's degree show (just!) on the very last day. Learning from last year's mistakes (see my first ever blog post for details!!) I went earlier in the day and hit the visual communication bit first. There was a lot of great stuff there but I didn't photograph too much as I was on my own and felt a bit conspicuous. The cowboy-esque paper figures above are by Eleanor Stewart and she had made a great stop motion animation from them too.

This is a tiny detail from an embroidered and printed/painted seal (?) skin by Sandy McInnes. It was all about selkies. I liked the idea (remembering reading about selkies as a child) and some of the images/objects were really nice. Fishing boats with embroidered nets like this appeared a few times. I really like the shape of the net and the stitching in it.
These were my favourite thing in the whole show. They are by Rosie Ferrier (better pictures available if you click on the link) and are made from cut and layered coloured tracing paper. Put together, they make up a book telling the story of an octopus who can hypnotise people.

Oh, look at the shapes and colours! Yum!

Here is a diver watching the octopus juggling pepperoni pizzas under the sea.
I'd been quite excited to see Rosie's work after reading about her Sundae Sundays project (with Louise Lockhart) over on I Like. You really have to go and look at it and read the story of strange coincidence. I didn't take any photos of the Sundae Sundays stuff (a top ten of Glasgow ice cream parlours) which I hadn't realised until I got home... I guess that hypnotic octopus really distracted me! I Like has a fair few pictures, though, and a link to a website with many more. Look look look.
It was a lovely day out but I think we have to go to the supermarket now. Boo hoo.
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