A pile of rainbow-coloured granny squares that I've been crocheting this week. I didn't realise how cheery my colour palette was until I piled them up like this last night.

I've now just got three more squares to make before I stitch them together into a sensibly sized baby blanket, about one sixth the size of the ripple blanket. I really just started making these to practise granny squares (I have a plan for another granny square blanket in different colours) but thought I may as well put my practice to good use by making a blanket out of these squares too. I've used some of the same colours as are in the ripple blanket, so I'm going to give this to the same baby as a little accompaniment present. I'm telling you, this baby has lucked out being conceived just as I was learning to crochet! Well, I suppose it's only really lucky if the baby (and its parents) turn out to like crocheted blankets...

Last weekend was my dear old dad's 60th birthday, so Graham and I went through to Perth to meet him and my mum. He knew nothing about it and seemed very pleasantly surprised. We stayed overnight and went out for a very fancy and delicious five-course dinner. Apparently I took no photos of the birthday boy, but I did take a photo of this great sign. I was a bit disappointed to learn that a Friendly Society is really just an insurance/pensions company, but I'll keep imagining the existence of a society especially for friendly Scottish girls. I'd like to say I could join, but I am immensely antisocial these days, so much so that last night Graham heard of a rumour going round that he had murdered me, so long was it since anybody had seen me out and about! Oh dear. I have some other news from Perth too (a lovely shop and an artisitc blast from the past) but I'll try to share that some other day.

I hadn't seen Lola since she ran away from the hoover this afternoon and thought she had gone missing, but I discovered her having made a bed for herself inside a drawer. I should have chased her out (my pyjamas are going to be all hairy now) but I couldn't bring myself to move such a cosy-looking kitty.

And last but not least... It took me nearly five whole years, but I finally managed to get a photo of my favourite part of Poppy. All her paws have black pads, but this one has one little pink pad.
And that was my little whistlestop tour of some pleasant sights of late. Hope you enjoyed!