Saturday, April 30, 2011
greatness in the palm of your hand

Friday, April 29, 2011
I don't (bleurgh!)

*Poppy is refusing to take her tablets (I drip blood as I type this) so has had to go back for more injections. This meant a post-work sprint to the vet's after work last night to get her an injection before it closed for four long days. They do seem to be working though. There's been some purring going on and last night she returned to her usual night-time position by my feet. Right now she's licking half a pound of butter (today's failed tablet tactic) off her face and paws and scowling at me.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
under the weather
I have a cystitis-ridden pussy. (Sorry, couldn't resist that!) I'm just back from the vet with poor wee Poppy who is feeling very sore and sorry for herself. She's had an injection and has antibiotics (each of which is approximately the size of her head) to take over the next few days... hopefully. Poor Pops. She's never had cystitis before. Lola has had it twice and made darn sure we knew about it with lots of crying and forcing us to watch her straining in the litter tray. Poppy, meanwhile, suffered in silence and we only discovered she was ill last night when we found an alarming amount of blood in her litter tray, which made me panic and feel stressed all day at work in case it was something more serious. Thank goodness it wasn't.
As well as having cystitis, she apparently eats too much. I told the vet that she was on a diet at the moment to which he replied, "Well, it's clearly not working, is it?" The cheek! (I resisted saying, "You think she's fat? You should see the other one!")
I know I should resist blogging about my cats and their problems with their lady bits, but getting a wee fright has reminded me how much I love them. Aw! (Plus this will serve as a useful reminder to me that I do indeed love them when I'm driven mad this week trying to administer the antibiotic tablets!)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
the ripple blanket is finished!

no scotch eggs

happy easter

Saturday, April 23, 2011
feeling blue (in a good way)

Thursday, April 21, 2011
always something there to remind me

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
F is for fox (and frightened)
You may or may not have wondered why I was up so late blogging last night. This was because I had to stay late at work to subtitle motorcycle racing at high speed (the motorbikes, the commentary and my subtitling were all high speed). Whenever I have to stay late after a late shift, which would really be late enough even if you finished on time, I find it hard to get settled because I'll always have been doing something a bit stressful and urgent, typing so fast that smoke comes out of my fingers. Once I did leave blood all over the keyboard, actually, but that was I the days when my hands were really bad. No blood now, just smoke.
So that's the state of mind I was in. After blogging, I mooched around on the old internet and then went to bed and read a good Roald Dahl story, which I enjoyed even though it was one I remembered seeing on Tales Of The Unexpected. By this time it was 2.30am and I still couldn't sleep. Graham had slept in the spare room so I wouldn't wake him up when I came in since he had to be out early today, so I was able to put the radio on for a while without fear of disturbing him. So I was lying in bed on my own listening to the radio when I heard this strange screeching noise. I switched the radio off and the noise continued. It sounded a bit like that high-pitched screech cars make as they're driving along and something (I know not what!) is wrong with them, but it was a bit less mechanical. The noise went on and on and on and the cats appeared looking very freaked out and the hid under the bed. I started to worry that the noise was Mrs Nibbles (the rabbit in our back garden that I mentioned the other day) being tortured (horrendously tortured by the sounds of it) by a fox and went to the window to check. The cats followed me, but stayed by my feet and wouldn't jump up on the windowsill. I opened the curtains a smidge and peeked out, just in time to see a very large black creature cannonball across the back garden and crash into our fence. Even once they crashed into our fence the noise did not stop, not even once they had knocked the fence right down and gone into the neighbouring garden. One of my neighbours opened his door and stepped outside and instantly recoiled in horror. What did he see? (I don't know.) He stuck his head back outside and shouted loudly and the noise, which had been a constant screech for a full two minutes or so by now, stopped instantly.
It was just the freakiest thing ever. I can only guess it must have been a fox (or foxes) but the creature I saw seemed far too big and too dark to have been a fox really and it wasn't a typical fox noise, though I know fox noises can be disturbing. I can't think what else it would have been so I am trying to convince myself that is what it was, and not some sort of wolf from a fairy tale or a panther or...something else. Once the noise had stopped, Lola jumped up onto the windowsill and was still there standing guard when I woke up at 5.30 this morning. (Lola is good at knowing when we are in danger and has a proven track record of super-sleuthfulness.)
Anyway, as you can imagine, I didn't exactly settle down for a good night's sleep after that either. F is for freaked out too :(
roll up, roll up!

Ta-da! I say ta-da as if these wondrous creations had anything to do with me. They didn't, but there is something about this image that means no other introduction would be quite appropriate. How amazing are these? I especially love the strongman. I had been hankering after making a strongman for my nephew, but now I don't know if I could handle the disappointment when mine didn't look like this now.
These beauties were made in Melbourne by handmade romance, a talented lady with a lovely shop (check out the bearded bloke brooches) and blog. You know, the more [craft] I see from Melbourne, the more I want to move there - I like to think of it as the Australian Glasgow, but then I have never been so can't really compare... And we all know it would be very foolish to move to the other side on the basis of a stuffed strongman. Don't we?! (But, oh, look at his bulging muscles and his hairy chest, not to mention his lustrous moustache and his anchor tattoo... And his eyebrows? Eep!)
I'm sure I have mentioned recently that my criticism skills are not to be envied, and I'm certain you don't need me to explain the greatness of these circus dwellers, so I will say no more about them for now, other than one final, "Ta-da!" and a parting, "How great?!"
p.s. This is not the first time that I have featured a unicyclist on my blog. Ten points to anyone who can tell me who/what/why/when/where the other unicyclist is...and maybe even a prize since I'm still sending lots of nice mail in the hope that one day I receive some. My letterbox is truly fed up of bills and election bumph.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
down at the pool

Sunday, April 17, 2011
sabbath bloody sabbath

Friday, April 15, 2011
scarborough, here we come!
After a long day's charity shopping (we are pooped!) we've just come home and booked a wee holiday to Scarborough for my birthday. Yippee! I can't wait! I wonder if we'll see Jimmy Saville again...
Thursday, April 14, 2011

not good enough... good enough!

The creator of this treasury also makes things that I love and that would help kick the butts of those "Not good enough!" monsters. Check this out!

Sunday, April 10, 2011
laying egg cosies