Lydia Leith's royal wedding sick bag (still
available here and still useful as we all know it won't really be over after today) is my favourite of the royal wedding memorabilia. Is it possible to be sick from extreme boredom? I am certainly feeling pretty queasy already... Maybe I'd be more excited about it if it meant I got the day off work. I don't. To me it just means that there is nothing on the telly and the vet is inconveniently closed*. Bah humbug. That said, I might be popping in to see a royal wedding celebratory event on my way to work. A local craft shop near me has someone attempting to recreate the wedding dress live and in real time. Sounds like fun, though I'll do my best to look dour-faced about it all, of course!
*Poppy is refusing to take her tablets (I drip blood as I type this) so has had to go back for more injections. This meant a post-work sprint to the vet's after work last night to get her an injection before it closed for four long days. They do seem to be working though. There's been some purring going on and last night she returned to her usual night-time position by my feet. Right now she's licking half a pound of butter (today's failed tablet tactic) off her face and paws and scowling at me.
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