On Thursday I was feeling guilty about being in the house/swimming pool/office so much and missing all the sunny weather, so I decided to go for a walk and take photos of zig zags (see last post). Of course, before I knew it, this walk had taken me to the door of a charity shop and then it seemed a shame not to walk a three mile round trip to visit pretty much all of them. Despite the vast numbers of charity shops visited, it was slim pickings. All I got was a lovely old embroidery book from the 1930s and a packet of wool needles for weaving all the end in on my ripple blanket. I did, however, go wild in the aisles of a couple of vintage/second-hand shops. I took a photo of this Sellotape tin in situ because I had decided to be sensible and resist it, even though it was very lovely and in the everything-is-a-pound box. "It's a bit rusty round the edges and what the heck would I do with it?" I thought. Ten minutes later, I was handing over my pound and taking this beauty home. You saw that coming, didn't you? Well, I nearly resisted and I only bought it because I was buying some kangaroo playing cards and some old postcards anyway... Yeah, that makes it worse, I know.

I also got this little top for my youngest niece in a wee vintage clothes shop, because it was far too adorable not to and I thought it would remind her of her Scottish ancestry. I mentioned this to the girl who was working in the shop and she looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I suppose it is a little bit like tartan..."

Obviously she had failed to notice the bagpiper on the front pocket! How cute?
Talking of cute clothes for little people, you actually HAVE TO visit The Miniature Knit Shop on etsy. I am now trying to persuade all the parents I know to have more babies so they can wear things like this.

These beauties are not cheap, admittedly, but they are undeniably cute and look to be very well crafted. The little knitted guns even come out of the cowboy's holster! Eep! I'd definitely recommend visiting the shop so you can see these in more detail. Seriously amazing.
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