21st March 1988
Kevin F, Lyndsey S, Donna W all have same birthday.
I gave a card to Lyndsey and Kevin and Donna because it is their birthday. I went swimming. It was good fun.
22nd March 1988
I desighned four stamps at school. One was for Aussie being 200 years old, one for pancake day, one for Christmas and one was for easter.
23rd March 1988 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
It is Debby's birthday today. The Nicolls were at our house to play. My Mum was going to go to Huntly with their mum to get Mrs Munro's present. But the clock that they were getting wasn't ready. It is 18 past 9 just now.
[Mrs Munro was my school dinner lady. We used to fight for the right to go and collect the milk from her because she would give us a fruit gum from a tin she kept in her drawer in the school kitchen. She also made really nice food for us every day. I think I loved everything except her jelly.]
24th March 1988 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Nobody's birthday today. But it is Emma's tomorrow. Groan. I was at brownies. I got three badges - venture, dancer and writer.
25th March 1988
I was at Mrs Munro's presentation. The act went very well. Today I had my last dinner made by Mrs Munro.
26th March 1988
Today it is Julia's and Garry's birthday. We went to Banf and Aberdeen. We went there to look for a suite. Kerry and I found a set of bed springs with a toy duck on it. There was a sighn saying push down springs to make the duck fall of. It didn't because it was stuck on with glue.
27th March 1988Jack Jack is is
Today is Sunday the twenty seventh of March. I had to give a cristening certifacate to Clair's mum at church today. I was in bed for most of the day because I had a sore tummy and I was tiered. After tea I went outside. Tommorrow we won't have any water from 9 oclock till 3 oclock. Boo hoo boo hoo.
Nobody's birthday today. But it is Emma's tomorrow. Groan. I was at brownies. I got three badges - venture, dancer and writer.
25th March 1988
I was at Mrs Munro's presentation. The act went very well. Today I had my last dinner made by Mrs Munro.
26th March 1988
Today it is Julia's and Garry's birthday. We went to Banf and Aberdeen. We went there to look for a suite. Kerry and I found a set of bed springs with a toy duck on it. There was a sighn saying push down springs to make the duck fall of. It didn't because it was stuck on with glue.
27th March 1988
Today is Sunday the twenty seventh of March. I had to give a cristening certifacate to Clair's mum at church today. I was in bed for most of the day because I had a sore tummy and I was tiered. After tea I went outside. Tommorrow we won't have any water from 9 oclock till 3 oclock. Boo hoo boo hoo.
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