I don't think Dulcie was even born by the time I started looking forward to the day when we'd be able to watch films together and, at last, those days are here! A few weeks ago, while Graham was at work, Dulcie and I made an impromptu visit to the Saturday-morning child-friendly screening at our local cinema and saw Boxtrolls. Dulcie and I go to the cinema quite often to see episodes of her favourite TV shows, but I wasn't sure how she'd cope with a full-length film. Turns out it was a breeze - Dulcie was wide eyed with amazement for almost the whole time. Being familiar with the cinema seats and screen didn't detract from the excitement for her at all and she was definitely drawn in by the sweeping cinematic scale of it. I had to break out the snacks for the last 20 minutes or so, but her interest was definitely held throughout. I really enjoyed Boxtrolls too - a great story and beautiful stop-motion animation with plenty of chuckles, something for everyone!

We've also been making the most of our vomiting days to watch some films at home - every cloud etc. Gnomeo And Juliet was new to both of us and was OK, but way too much Elton John for my taste and I'm not sure Dulcie would have lasted the entire film if she hadn't been too ill to move! 101 Dalmatians was a major hit though. I've always loved that film and I was pretty confident Dulcie would like it too since she already enjoys some of the music from it and is very interested in Cruella De Vil as a character. She ended up loving it so much that she watched it twice in one day. I see multiple viewings in our future and I'm perfectly happy about that :)

Not a film, but our local cinema recently showed Bagpuss at Toddler Time, to my huge excitement. I bloomin' love Bagpuss and couldn't wait to share it with Dulcie. I think she loved it just as much as I ever did. She's still only seen two episodes, but has been talking about Bagpuss for weeks to anyone who cares to listen. I think her granny is planning on getting her a Bagpuss DVD for her birthday. Yippee!
There are lots of films I'm still looking forward to sharing (or should I say films I'm glad to have an excuse to watch again and again?!) but most of them will have to wait until she's a wee bit older, I think. I'm talking Labyrinth, people! Oh, yeah! Hopefully there will be lots of films on in the run-up to Christmas that Dulcie would enjoy that we can record and watch at our leisure. Children's Christmas films - I can hardly wait!
Have you got any recommendations of films a toddler and her mum might enjoy? Preferably ones without pretty girls who want to marry into money.
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