I've been feeling a bit better lately (I'm crediting my new fitness regime) but have had a blip today and am feeling really quite ill. Fortunately, my mum is on hand to take care of Dulcie so I'm having a low-energy day at home on my own. I can't say I'm really enjoying it (I'm so frustrated!) but it could certainly be worse. I thought I'd try my hand at one of Pip's Taking Stock lists so that I might feel my time sitting around had been something slightly closer to productive. Here goes...
Making : a big warm dent in the couch
Cooking : red beans with coconut and cashews (a household favourite from this book) if I can summon the energy
Drinking : Green tea at work, fizzy water with pink grapefruit squash at home (and prosecco on Friday nights, naturally)
Wanting: to do all the jobs I had planned for today
Looking: for the perfect mid-century sideboard
Playing: Crazy Chefs with Dulcie
Deciding: to take it easy today
Wishing: for more hours in the day and the energy to put them to better use
Enjoying: the sense of achievement driving (even with its disasters) and swimming (even though it is at snails' pace) are bringing me
Waiting: for Dulcie to come back from my mum's house
Liking: the fact that Barry Manilow has been married to a man for ages
Wondering: if I'll fit into my wedding dress by August
Loving: Dulcie's freckles
Pondering: wedding buffet ideas
Considering: whether or not to do anything for my forthcoming birthday
Buying: a very expensive vintage shelving unit from eBay. Gulp! (See photo at top of post)
Watching: today, Come Dine With Me, but generally Wolf Hall and Toast Of London and Inside Number 9
Hoping: to feel better tomorrow
Marvelling: at modern medicine
Cringing: at my driving mistakes (and also at tiny socially awkward moments from 1985 to the present day for some reason)
Needing: to order a repeat prescription
Questioning: my friend about the contents of her Ugandan lunch (cabbage, matooke, groundnut sauce and rice)
Smelling: shampoo and soap (fresh out of the shower)
Wearing: comfy clothes that I wouldn't be seen wearing in public
Following: a trail of plastic dinosaurs and Moshis around the house
Noticing: how much easier it is to fill these things in when you're not so depressed
Knowing: I've spent too much time on the computer today
Thinking: of taking Dulcie to France for a long weekend and then organising and booking it immediately! Exciting!
Admiring: my super-strong legs
Sorting: my new craft corner
Getting: fitter
Bookmarking: does Pinterest count? If so, food, decor and crafts I'll probably never get round to doing
Coveting: babies/other people's lives/good health
Disliking: feeling rubbish when I'm doing everything I can to feel better
Opening: a lovely parcel from Jane Foster
Giggling: more than before
Feeling: very ill today, but generally better...and also quite pleased with myself :)
Snacking: less
Wishing: this category didn't appear twice
Helping: Dulcie work out what day it is and walk along walls
Hearing: the washing machine going round and round
(This Taking Stock list is from Meet Me At Mikes. You can copy and paste a blank one from there if you fancy joining in.)
Sorry you're not feeling top notch today. I want the recipe for red beans with coconut and cashews when you have a minute, please! Sounds delish!
ReplyDeleteCertainly, coming right up :)