Tuesday, August 6, 2013

stationary stationery

I sent five hand-written notes/packages on Friday, about as many hand-written items as I'd posted in the rest of 2013 combined.  Dulcie got in on the act of rummaging through my stationery box and dragged pretty much everything out.  It was at this point that I realised I have A LOT of stationery and these days it doesn't get used nearly as much as it used to, or nearly as much as it should.  Maybe that's why I don't get as much fun mail as I used to either.  Fun mail (even a postcard with little more than "hi" on it) always brings a little brightness to a day, I think, so I wondered if anyone fancied getting some?  If you'd like to help me make a dent in my stationery supplies and get a surpise note/postcard arrive in the mail, just let me know and I will get a-writing.  You can email me with your postal address, or just leave a comment below (making sure you fill in your email address in the box provided) and I'll get in touch with you.  If you want to write back, that would be very nice, but there's no obligation.  This offer is open to everyone (whether I know you/see you regularly in real life or have never heard so much as a peep from you before) and I'm happy to post items worldwide.

P.S. I can't offer any guarantees regarding the quality of the stationery.  Some of it is lovely, but some I've had since I was about eight years old and it probably hasn't been used for a reason.  It's like a stationery Russian roulette!

P.P.S. I am so proud of this blog post's title!  Sometimes I think I could be some kind of genius...


  1. When I was younger (much, much younger...) I had penfriends, and I remember how enjoyable it was. I would love to relive the experience, so please drop me a line if you want to. I promise to write back :)

    1. Great! I already have your address, so we're good to go :)

  2. One of my favourite holiday jobs when I was at school, was working in a stationers shop. - although most of my wages went back into the business, and it left me with an addiction to notepaper, postcards, and craft materials!!! - Would be fun to exchange cards - Marina


    1. Ooh, you sound like the perfect candidate, Marina! I'll email soon so we can exchange addresses :)


Hello! I'm sorry that I've had to turn on the word verification feature again, but my inbox was being flooded with very dull spam. Genuine comments always brighten my day though, so thank you for taking the time to leave one :)