I really need to blog about my holiday before I forget I even went. This is a semi-holiday post, though, believe it or not. I think I mentioned that we ended up going to charity shop Mecca and this is just one of the many wonderful things I found there - the most beautiful book (never mind most beautiful origami book) I think I have ever seen and it cost me just £1.99! Can you believe it? Bargain is not the word.

Each page has instructions to make something and a piece of real live origami glued into a beautiful background illustration. Observe the swan!

Observe the pinwheel! This page also has a pinwheel made by the book's previous owner stored safely between the pages. Can you see the little windmill in the background? Aw!

Observe the canary!

Observe the crane! And do try not to die of joy looking at the beautiful printed background - I know I nearly did. Swoon!
I've posted lots more photos up on my flickr, which is worth visiting for the illustrated end papers alone. You will not believe your eyes. Plus there's even an origami lobster! An origami lobster, I tells ya! Books just don't get any better...
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted the plural "things" in the title and, yes, there is more exciting news yet to come. Remember I mentioned my forthcoming telly fame? (Fame is probably a bit of a strong word for it... Hee hee!) Well, the cameras were rolling yesterday and (if editing fate is kind to me) you might just spot some of my EastEnders embroideries in the new series of Mary Queen Of Shops! I'm so excited - eeeeep! Thanks to a friend of Claire (of Miso Funky fame) who was doing some work experience down in London town, Claire's cross-stitching and my embroidery found their way into an interiors type shop that Mary Portas has been revamping. You can see the lovely looking shop (and our work if you click on the gallery link) here. I think the new series is on next month. I will be watching with baited breath!
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