Wednesday, March 18, 2009

alpine surprise

I was feeling a bit fed up all day today.  After practically dragging myself home from work, my heart sank when I opened the door to find an empty flat.  But look what was waiting for me in the kitchen!  A happy alpine cowherd and his bovine companion!  Bluebirds in the trees!  Felty stitchy goodness!  I am most cheered up!
I saw this picture in the window of a nearby charity shop this weekend and, much to Graham's horror, announced that I liked it.  It was such a great surprise to come home and find it waiting for me.  Graham had attached a sweet note to it... which had the subtle underlying message that I was not to hang this where he would have to look at it!  Hee!  It's totally a craft room type of picture anyway so that is where it will go.  I will be out of craft room wall space at this rate! 

Do you fancy a nice surprise too?  If you enter the giveaway below, you have a one in five chance of getting one! 


  1. I have lots of pictures too like that - they can only go up in the craft room :) I'm going to try and sneak some down but I don't think it will work!

  2. You know what? We just need second (or bigger) craft rooms! That'll teach 'em!

  3. sweet story. yes, i would love that piece, too, and would have to hang it in my studio or someplace where only i would see it. lucky find!


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