I got this book on the same day as the typewriter but in a different charity shop. It was a very successful day. I'm not sure how much I need to know about birdtables (I did make one once and may again, in which case this book will come in handy) but I thought this book was too beautiful to leave behind. I love the colours and design of the front and back covers.

There are also some nice simple illustrations inside, including this one below, as well as one showing a bird looking very unhappy because some idiot has positioned its bird box so that the rain falls straight into the opening. Some people...

A week or so ago, I saw someone leaving a charity shop on Byres Road holding a book that looked much like this one but was called Birds As Individuals. At least, I think that was what it was called. I didn't really get a proper look but I'm fairly sure I couldn't imagine something so wonderful... That was probably the closest I've ever come to mugging someone.
I didn't imagine it and, now that I've done a little research, I want the book more than ever. It sounds so amazing. Look at this about the author.