Tuesday, May 5, 2015

beaming into outer space

Or should that be BEADING into outer space?  Oh, my rapier wit...

So, all the beads are on.  I even went back and redid some bits after I discovered I had a much more suitable purple colour in my bead stash.  Now I just need to decide what to do with it...and how to do it.  My original plan was to make it into a bracelet, but there seems to be a lot of fiddly work involved in that and I'm not sure where to start.  It would be much easier to attach it to a piece of felt and frame it, but I feel like that might highlight its wonkiness more.  I might set it aside for a while and come back to it later.  
Either way, I've discovered I really enjoy beading.  It's just the right amount of fiddly - demands your concentration but in a relaxing way.  I'm sure I'll bead again, but I'll wait and see how this looks in its finished state and then plan my next project accordingly.

I'm chalking this up as a Craftathon 2015 success!

P.S. Apologies for the lack of Swim Sunday post this week.  I got confused by the bank holiday, but truth be told, I haven't swum in almost a fortnight because I haven't been feeling well enough.  Feeling a bit broken-record-like to say this again, but I'm hoping I'll feel up to a swim this week.  Either way, I'll do a proper progress report next weekend.

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