Ta-da! Told you I'd been rippling like a crochet maniac. The blanket's actually even bigger than this now as I had a marathon crochet session lasting most of today after taking this photo. I think I'm probably ten rows from completion at the most. The blanket is now too big to fit on the table to have its photo taken, so I had to put it on the floor and shoo the cats away as I took this. Some of the colours are not looking quite like real life (it's a bit cloudy today and the flash can't handle the near-fluorescent greens and oranges) such as the brown-looking stripe near the top, which is actually a really nice purple. Oh, I do love my ripple blanket. I've got to stop thinking of it as mine though...
Last night my friend Bernie came round and she learned to crochet too. Hooray! She is much better than I was on my first attempt, and accidentally did the thing I still have never managed to do (going through two bits on the foundation chain) but we'll put that down to her having a great teacher ;) She's not yet convinced that it will be as easy or as fast as I say it is, but she's already talking about making a black and white ripple blanket for her teenage son's bed.
I've had the house to myself today for the first time in ages, since Graham (who is a house husband at the moment, and a bloomin' good one who even bakes cakes while I'm out at work!) has gone to visit his mum for the day. I was going to be good and tidy up etc. but I have pretty much just crocheted the day away. Well, it is Sunday after all and to be fair to me, I have managed one or two other little jobs like de-fuzzing my legs so I can get back into swimming this week. I haven't updated my weight-loss thing down at the bottom there for a while, but let's just say my plane went into reverse and the pilot put his foot on the accelerator... I may have to put crochet on the back-burner this week, much as it pains me to say that. It's not exactly a great calorie burner and is hardly urgent, I suppose :( I've already got my next crochet project planned though. I downloaded a pattern for crocheted cowboy baby boots about four years ago, but had no idea how to make them. I think now could be the time. Hooray! Mind you, there is the small matter of 14 other crafts yet to tackle this year and it is only nine months until 2012. Perhaps the cowboy boots will need to stay on the to-do list for a while longer yet.
wow that has got giant quickly! it looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThanks :) A few people with babies have mentioned how handy SMALL blankets are (oh no!) but I'm considering making a matching mini blanket to go with it. Maybe. Any excuse to keep crocheting!
ReplyDeleteThat is all!
Aw, thanks :) I just read your comment out to Graham and he thought you'd said, "Wow, that is awful." Guess not everyone can love the ripple blanket!
ReplyDeletewoah I mis-read that and actually thought you meant we were in September! I had to stop and reassure myself that the clocks haven't gone that far forward...
ReplyDeleteHa! Sorry about that. I know it's not natural to be counting down to the end of the year at this point.
ReplyDeleteYes, but after this equinox-es kerfuffle I'd best be prepared. Mind you I'd only be early for something. Which would make a nice change...
ReplyDeleteI lost an hour only this week because I had forgotten to change the clock in my craft room. I was pottering around having a lovely time before my late shift, thinking how amazing it was that the day before work lasted so long. Then I realised it was an hour later than I thought and I had to leave immediately. Boo! I am liking the lighter evenings though. Mmmm!