Thursday, April 7, 2011

take out your false teeth, daddy

Since Graham started DJing again, I have a constant supply of great new-to-me music echoing around the flat as he tries to find new tunes to play. It's great. This is my favourite so far this morning - a real sleazy wee number that makes me smile... and want to brush my teeth again. Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for the distinct lack of news. I'm still laying off the crochet and slathering on hardcore hand cream, but it seems to be working and my hacked hands are healing up nicely. Phew! I'll be rippling away again by the weekend, I reckon. And on the plus side, taking a break from crocheting on a week of late shifts has given me the chance to go swimming again, which is where I am headed now for the second time this week. Hooray! I feel better just for doing it. Hopefully I keep it up this time.

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